Pass it on!
Banks have 150 million to loan for dental practice expansion, equipment, purchase, marketing.

Bank Has Allocated $75 Million To Invest Into Dental Practice Loans

For years corporate have bought into dental practices, with good and bad stories to be told.

The question is…

If you have a successful dental practice, you must be doing something right, so why give up control?

In conjunction with PracticeLink, this motivated Bank has allocated $75 Million to assist dental practice principals considering acquiring another dental clinic with dental practice acquisition financing; or selling the one they own, expand or revamp a surgery, refinance your dental practice to a better deal or fund investment opportunities and retirement aspirations.

Points of interest to consider:

  • The bank doesn’t want any control in your dental practice. They don’t have that experience
  • They certainly don’t want you to give up any part of dental fees or revenue
  • They don’t want to be involved in running your dental practice
  • They don’t want to buy into your dental surgery

What can they do for you? Dental practice loans to:

  • Fund expansion, revamp, or other dental acquisitions
  • Fund potential dentists, if you want to sell
  • Create a fully funded Exit Plan
  • Fund retirement aspirations
  • All resources you might need are available at your fingertips if required.

My role in this fantastic opportunity is simply to prepare the dental surgery for sale, find surgeries for my buyers and help create the practice principal’s future exit plans. This is complicated and needs to be addressed on an individual basis due to each dental practice having special requirements.

I am NOT a finance broker, the bank’s competent staff will take care of that.

If you are considering Buying, Selling, Retiring at some stage; expanding, revamping or just want more information on this amazing opportunity, give me a call.

Jan Gray 0425-700-778 or email for a confidential discussion on this exciting opportunity.

I would like to offer you a FREE consultation about your practice. It takes just a few minutes over the phone.

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