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Category Archives for Selling Your Business


Recently you received two emails with links to a practice valuation calculator. We did not expect so many practice owners to click the links and try it out, what’s more, we didn’t expect so

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Caution, Practice Owners! Are JV Partnerships a Sound Strategy?

Please Exercise Extreme Caution, Practice Owners It would be prudent for practice owners to exercise extreme caution when considering selling a share to a large corporation. There is a new corporate group

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Should Your Practice Be Sale Ready at All Times?

ALWAYS BE PREPARED! “Forewarned, forearmed; to be prepared is half the victory” – Miguel de Cervantes I have had several requests from practice owners recently, requesting more information

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We didn’t have TIME: A really interesting story I hope you never become part of

I truly hope this will never be your story.About 3 months ago I came across a dentist who was diagnosed with a debilitating illness that would turn his life upside down.This 40-something year old dentist

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Practice Readiness Part 3

Personal Timing, Business Timing, and Market Timing You’ll reap maximum return on the sale of your business when planning, preparation and timing come together. Assuming you’ve left sufficient time

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Practice Readiness Part 2

Practice Readiness: Preparation for Sale, Assessment and Action Plan: If you want to succeed in selling your practice, Practice Readiness – being thoroughly prepared – is absolutely essential.

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Practice Readiness: Part 1

I work with many specialist Accountants, Solicitors, Bankers, Finance Brokers, Specialist Valuers, to name a few. What I have learnt along the way is the practice may seem a great opportunity to a potential

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10 Plus 1 Things to do before selling your practice

As a small business owner, selling your practice is a once-in-a-lifetime event. To get the most amount of profit, you need to plan ahead. Unlike selling a real estate or a boat, you need to start the

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